Blog Posts
An Oral (Health) History of the HIV Epidemic
“It just kept happening, over and over and over again. Patients of record, patients I’d...
The Medicaid Access Gap for Children in North Carolina
It’s no secret that there is an oral health care access gap for North Carolinians...
Oral Health Day 2022: Equity in Action Recap
This year’s Oral Health Day was a tremendous success! Oral Health Day 2022 centered the...
What is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a dental procedure in which the soft center of the tooth...
Sneak Peek: Oral Health Day 2022: Equity in Action
Oral Health Day will look different this year. As the first two-day Oral Health Day...
What is Single-Payer Health Care?
On March 28, 2022, the Poor People’s Campaign held its first Moral Monday march in...
Mental Health and Oral Health
At NCOHC, we see integrated care structures at the center of a more equitable, accessible...
One Step Closer to Oral Health Care Provider-Administered HPV Vaccines
Dentists may be one step closer to administering HPV vaccines in pursuit of whole-person health...
Update: What We Know About the Oral-COVID Connection in 2022
COVID-19 has impacted virtually every aspect of human life for the past two years. From...